Road to Libia - Novembre 2022 Università, Scuole Internazionali e strumenti per l’insegnamento delle lingue

The reopening of the Italian Consulate in Benghazi headed by the Consul Francesco De Luigi assisted by the young Sara Reho, the preparatory activities for the reintroduction of the optional teaching of the Italian language in Libyan high schools and the evaluation activities for the creation in 2023 of a international fair that presents the Italian companies that will be functional to the reconstruction were the three elements that have designed the stages of this return to Benghazi and Tripoli after the forced break of the two-year period 2020-2021.
The eighteenth mission in Libya, over the past 11 years, was an opportunity to strengthen ties and friendships and to build new ones.

Eli Publishing‘s teaching materials for languages, both the traditional paper ones and the more innovative digital ones, have found great appreciation in public and private interlocutors. The University of Benghazi with its Departments of Italian, French and English, the LIMU Libyan International Medical University, the Berenice University of Architecture and Urbanism and some private schools such as the Washington DC Academy are the interlocutors that Show Yourself met. A particular interest in teaching languages to younger children has emerged from the local Unicef team which manages refugees from many countries and which knows the importance of the ability to communicate between people of different origins.

With the President of the Benghazi and Derna Reconstruction Fund, we took stock of the next activities that will be financed by the international community through the management of the UNDP and on what spaces could be for Italian companies operating in the sector of infrastructural restructuring, construction and furnishings, passing through the primary ones of rubble management and the recycling of building materials.
A visit to the Technology Fair in Tripoli and the marvel of Leptis Magna accompanied the meeting with Ambassador Giuseppe Grimaldi Buccino, a stoic point of reference over the years for the Italian and international community who kept the Italian Embassy in Tripoli open in these years full of eventful twists and turns, unique among the Embassies of the countries of the Union to never lower the flag.

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